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Fr Peter Zarynow301-299-5120

10201 Democracy Blvd Potomac MD 20854

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September 29, 2007

Weekly Bulletin September 30, 2007


A Parish of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese--Ecumenical Patriarchate

10201 Democracy Blvd Potomac, MD 20854

Fr. Peter Zarynow, Pastor (cell phone:301-367-9051]

Rectory Phone: 301-299-5120 Church Hall/Fax 301-983-0847


Sunday 30 September 2007

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday after the Elevation of the Cross
St. Sophia & her Daughters
Epistle: Galatians 2:16-20
Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1
Tone One

The Schedule of Divine Services for the Week is as Follows:

30 Sept. (SUN) 18th Sunday after Pentecost/Sunday after the Elevation of the Cross

Sunday School 9:00am

Confessions 9:15am

Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 10:00am

Coffee Social to follow

03 Oct. (Wed) Memorial: +Julia Sheftic, by MaryAgnes & Bill Barrett 9:00am

04 Oct. (Thu) Memorial: +Eleanor Shasko, by Anne Melnkovic 9:00am

07 Oct. (SUN) 19th Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday School 9:00am

Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 9:30am

Coffee Social to follow


Confessions will be heard on Sunday mornings from 9:15-9:45am and by appointment. All faithful are encouraged to come to the Sacrament every 8 weeks, on average, to help maintain spiritual health. This is especially for those who frequently “with Faith and with Love come forward” to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. [Note: because of Father teaching Sunday School on 7 October, there are no Confessions scheduled prior to Divine Services]

Iraqi school supply packages will be assembled today following Divine Services. All Junior members are encouraged to assist in this project. During the assembly of the packages, discussion on the date for the trip to Homestead Farm will take place. All members are asked to attend and new members are always welcome!

Weekday Memorial Services (Parastas) will begin to be served as Father’s schedule allows. Those who are able to attend are always welcome. If anyone wishes to schedule a memorial service, please contact Father as far in advance as possible.

Next Sunday all Sunday School students and faculty will meet in the church. Father will do the Proskomedia (Preparation) of the Holy Eucharist at the Tetrapod so that students can observe this part of the Liturgy. All interested members of the parish family are also invited to attend. Class will begin promptly at 9:00am

Please pray for the following: Metropolitan NICHOLAS, Fr. Ronald Hazuda, Fr. Stephen Dutko, Fr. Kenneth Bachofsky, Fr. Stephen Jula, Fr. David Wine, Fr. David Smoley, Fr. Lawrence Barriger, Fr. Paul Herbert, Pani Yvonne Lysack, Pani Kathy Dutko, Ed ‘Skeets’ Williams, Les Miller, Steve Sheftic, Rudy Kormanik, Jason Janowick, Lois Erhard, MaryAnn Muchesko, Ivan Pop, Carol Miller, John Kloss, Mary Kesselak, Marge Chica, Michael Hall, Ronald Koval, Cindy Russell, Mary Matuga, Elaine Buchko, Dorothy Sudik, Amanda Matyok & baby, Ann Dahulich, Dolores Boyal, Jody Springman, Pauline Kopchak, Anthony Rich, Erin Rich, Elizabeth Prepelka, Dorothy Mastronicola, Nicholas Yacko, Olga Shurkala, Mildred Bartko, Patty Wiegand.

May the Lord Jesus Christ touch them with His Healing Hand!

The Altar Boys will have a meeting with Father on Sunday 7 October following Divine Services. All Alter Boys are to be in attendance. Any of the young men of the parish, 8 and older, who wish to serve at the Altar are also invited to attend.

Nut rolls! After Divine Services this morning, these and other baked goods – freshly baked yesterday at the bake day – will be available for purchase during coffee hour. Order forms for the next two bakes will be distributed shortly, once the other two fall bake dates are finalized. Yes, you can buy “on credit,” and yes, you can have your order frozen for a later pickup. Next baking day will be Saturday 27 October.

The National ACRY is collecting ads, patrons & boosters for the 2008 Annual. Details are on the bulletin board. If you would like to place an ad, please see Fr. Peter by the due date (14 October)

St. Nicholas Cathedral (3500 Mass. Ave NW in the District) will host their Russian Bazaar the weekend of 12-14 October. On Saturday 13 October the “Zedashe Ensemble” will perform at 7pm. See the flier on the bulletin board. More information at or call 202-333-5060.

The special collection for the Orthodox Christian Fellowship will be taken next Sunday. Please be kind in your offering.

The new parish directories are available in the parish hall, by the bulletins near the door to the courtyard. Many thanks to Sheila Hrapchak for compiling the information. May God bless her for her efforts! (Many Years!)